If you are feeding duck treats or other treats from China-throw them away! The FDA cannot seem to find the cause however, there have been some discussions of the glycerin being the culprit in these treats. Whatever the cause, please buy USA treats. Yes, you will pay more, but knowing the safety standards from these treats far outweigh the cost. I have a few clients dehydrating their own chicken however, I caution that you do that process correctly. One woman came to us telling us she almost killed her own dog when she did not cook the chicken properly. She spent a lot of money at her vet getting her sick dog well.
Please make sure to read the source of the treats. Some companies are putting "packaged in the United States" on the packages however, it does not say MADE in the US. I know your furry friend is part of your family. So, just like our children be careful and don't be fooled by high level marketing. Come to our store or look online at our safe and healthy treats for your pet.
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