Thursday, December 26, 2013

Senior Dogs Have Special Needs

I've had so many dogs in my life and as I watch them age I wanted to share with you all the things that make their senior dogs life so much more enjoyable. It starts with the little things, like a heated pad made especially for dogs to keep those old joints warm and agile as they age. We also pay special attention to their teeth so none of that terrible bacteria goes to the rest of their bodies. I make sure to give all of my dogs The Missing Link everyday to help with their immune system and their fiber content. I'm sure to give an easier diet when I see they are having a hard time digesting. You know, we used to eat whatever we want well not so much as we get older too. So, as my dogs age I incorporate some raw and canned food into their diets for easy digestion.
 One of my dogs Lucy is hard to wake up after sleeping and becomes startled easily if we approach from behind.  Hearing loss or deafness may be a reason for this. There isn't a lot that can be done for age-related hearing loss, but a vet exam should be done first to rule out other medical problems, such as an infection, growth, or foreign body in the ear.
*If your dog does experience hearing loss, take care to protect him/her from hazards, such as cars and kids that s/he may not hear (or see). Dogs do learn and adapt well using hand signals to come, stay, sit, and so on. It is a good idea to "cross train" your dog early in life to recognize basic hand signals. C

  • Cody had Cloudy or "bluish" eyes - As they age, dog's eyes often show a bluish transparent "haze" in the pupil area. This is a normal effect of aging. Vision does not appear to be affected. This is NOT the same as cataracts. Cataracts are white and opaque. Vision can be affected by cataracts. Make sure to provide a safe place for your furry friend and don't move the furniture around once you have provided a safe path for your pet to go to and from.
When it comes to jumping, I try and make things easier by providing ramps and stairs depending on the size of the dog. We want to protect their hips and knees and make sure we get some good exercise with some steady walking. I also make sure to give Answers Raw Goat's Milk it's like giving the best probiotic ever. The dogs love the taste and it makes for a great morning treat because it's real food. Talking about food, don't forget the fresh veggies that will help with their immune systems too.
So, think of all the things you may have changed in your life to give you a long and healthy life...let's do the same for our furry friends. They'll kiss you for it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I really enjoyed reading your blog and I think you've given some really nice tips. My dog loves raw hides so I've just returned home after buying them from the store nearby. I was actually a bit worried since a month because my dog had been behaving weird and lethargic and won't even move like he was having some sharp pain in his legs. Finally my vet treated him with glucosamine chondroitin for dogs and he's perfectly fine now. Enjoying his new treat at the moment LOLXX . Thanks a lot.
